Downloadable IP Subnetting Charts

by David Davis on April 2, 2007

Does IP Subnetting boggle your mind? Would you like a “cheat sheet” to have around?

If so, we have got some great subnetting charts for you!

In chart #1, we take a network from each of the three classes (A, B, and C) and calculate the number of hosts and networks for every possible subnet mask. Here it is: – IP Subnet Breakdown #1

In chart #2, we calculate every possible subnetting variation for a class B and C network. Take a look: – IP Subnet Breakdown #2

For lack of a fancy IP subnetting calculator, these are great subnetting references to have around.


This information sponsored by TrainSignal. Checkout their Cisco Router Training!

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Mundigile 01.24.12 at 3:42 am

Thanks for sharing useful info

Darren 01.26.12 at 8:23 am


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