Running a Virtual Router & Firewall inside VMware ESX with Vyatta

by David Davis on September 18, 2008

In this video, you will learn how to run a Virtual Router & Firewall inside VMware ESX with Vyatta.

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Virtual Networking with BT4 on Virtual Box
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{ 10 comments… read them below or add one }

c4tchmeIFy0ucAn 10.10.08 at 5:41 pm

nice tutorial, at least it can give me an extra idea to finish my class project about using vyatta feature in my university

santosh shivram gayakwad 10.17.08 at 6:14 am

this very good web site .with help of this you can update you are it
knowladge. i like it very much

George Ou 06.25.09 at 3:12 am

I’m actually setting up a new 1U server for a colocation. I’ll be putting ESXi 4.x on it and I’ll be running a virtual Vyatta machine for sure just to be able to make better use of my public IP addresses (which cost money per month).

My only question is whether Vyatta works like the dirt cheap consumer routers which allow you to take a single public IP address and forward different TCP/UDP ports to different internal IP addresses. For the life of me, I don’t think I ever figured out how to do that on a Cisco router since they require mapping 1 public IP to 1 private IP.

Jk 11.22.09 at 10:27 am

“””…they require mapping 1 public IP to 1 private IP.”””

What are you talking about. Cisco routers (or any NAT router) permit 65535 private IP’s mapped to just 1 public IP, since the private IP’s have just 1 open connection to the internet. You have to configure a NAT , and at the end of the command, you add “OVERLOAD” (this is called PAT – Port Address Translation).

Public IP =
Private IP =
NAT pool name (your choice) = EXAMPLE

Router#ip nat pool EXAMPLE netmask
Router#ip nat inside source-list 1 pool EXAMPLE overload
Router#access-list 1 permit

I hope that you understand that, because my english sucks

danang 04.22.10 at 4:52 pm

where i can find a tutorial or documentation ?

David Bonne 05.17.10 at 3:01 pm

I think George was talking about INCOMING network connections. PAT on a cisco is no good for this – you need “port forwarding” as per most DSL routers (eg Linksys). I believe it’s possible however – just need to dig around a bit more!

Tom 06.03.10 at 8:00 pm

This is what you need JK if you’re on an ADSL cisco like an 877:

ip nat inside source static tcp [internal ip] [internal port] interface Dialer0 [external port]

ie to forward external 57812 to internal 3389 on you’d do:

ip nat inside source static tcp 3389 interface Dialer0 57812

david 07.03.11 at 3:19 am

Ohh! really nice that when you go to downloads on vyatta the community edition is missing! ups! nice this community concept: let the idiots program for u and then use the improvements on pay version.

admin 07.03.11 at 10:10 am

You can download the Free Vyatta Community Edition still. It is at this URL-


Marc 02.17.12 at 9:43 am

Thanks! admin, I was having a hard time finding the download as well.

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